How to Start an Internet Business - Video 6 of 10

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Internet Business - Build Your Site Fast!   by Lisa Paredes

You have a business model and a hot niche to enter online, and there's only one thing that's stopping you from entering the game online: you haven't yet built that amazing site you have pictured in your head. Does this sound like you right now? Do you have a picture in your head of what your site will look like when it's completed? Has it been months since you registered your site, and yet it's not up? No matter what your reasons are for not completing your site, it's time to get down to business and finish what you started.
Phase One - Make a List
First things first. You need to make a detailed list of what your site needs in order to be complete. For example, if you are building a site that will mainly focus on selling advertising, then you'll want to note on your list that you need a feature allowing advertisers to set up an account and easily buy advertising space. Make sure you also add graphic design and logo design to your to-do list. Now it's your turn to write down all the items you need.
Phase Two - Your Budget
Next, you'll need to come up with a budget for creating this amazing site of yours. Once you've determined a figure, you can start to come up with a plan.
Phase Three - Plan Options
Once you've determined your budget, it's time to start making plans. We've devised three different plans for you:
Plan A. - This plan is for anyone who does not mind spending over 10 thousand dollars or more for a custom-built site. If this sounds like you, then basically all you need to do is hire a Web development firm to complete the tasks on your list.
Plan B. - This plan is for the person who can spend thousands of dollars. You can go with a Web development firm or scout out a freelancer at a Web site like
Plan C. - This plan is for someone who is willing to spend only a couple hundred dollars to build his or her site. If this sounds like you, either hire a freelancer who can work within your budget or use Web software programs or content management programs like WordPress and Joomla.
When hiring a professional to design and program your site, you'll want to be as clear and detailed as possible. If you are vague, the outcome might not be what you expected, so communication is the key. If you can, give the freelancer a list of URLs for sites that have features you want on your site.
Phase Four - Testing
Even if a professional designed your site, you'll want to test it out and make sure that everything is running smoothly. You can even have a friend or family member make a test purchase to see if everything is working correctly.
Phase Five - Launch
Now all you have to do is start driving targeted traffic to your site and start getting SALES!
There's no point in waiting or doing everything yourself to get your site built and then launched. Remember, the longer it takes for you to build and launch your site, the longer it will take for you to start making money from it. So be a doer and get going today!
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